Episode 126: How Do We Develop Workers with Green Skills?

The climate transition has huge implications for the future of work. We know that we need to develop ‘green skills’, although there is not complete agreement about how to define what those are. The  crux of it, however,  is that we are arguably moving into a new, clean energy economy or a green economy and that that will demand different kinds of skills than might be the norm right now. To talk about all of that, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Hem Dholakia, Senior Research Associate with the Smart Prosperity Institute which is a policy think tank in Ottawa, Ontario Canada. They talk about what the green transition will demand in terms of workers, and how we can develop the labour force that we will need.


Dr Hem Dholakia is a Senior Research Associate at the Smart Prosperity Institute, where he supports the work of the Clean and Resilient Growth team. Before joining SPI, he brings eleven years of international experience managing climate risks for infrastructure, mitigating air pollution and strengthening public health. Providing strategic advice to senior government officials and multilateral organizations has been integral to his experience. Hem is passionate about communicating science to different audiences and has contributed to several knowledge products, workshops, webinars and conferences.

A recipient of the International Visitor Leadership Programme Award (US Department of State), he was nominated to the UNFCCC Expert Roster by the Government of India in 2021. He holds a doctorate in Public Policy from the Indian Institute of Management (Ahmedabad), and a Masters in Exercise Science from the University of Brighton (UK).

