Episode 128: Will Returning to the Office Solve the Loneliness Epidemic?

Will ordering workers to return to the office make them less lonely? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Jim Frawley, the CEO and founder of executive development firm Bellwether. Jim is a consultant and coach who has studied and written about the the way that in-person work might be […]

Episode 127: Should Employees be Company Owners?

If everything is on the table when it comes to the future of work, should we be talking about having workers own the company – or at least own a bit of it? To talk about that, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Elspeth Murray,   Director of the Centre for Innovation and Social […]

Episode 124: What are the New Challenges for HR Leaders?

It is a complicated time in the work world right now as organizations grapple with policies around the return to the office or remote or hybrid work. As well, the unemployment rate is rising, managers are dealing with stress around the economy and workers are uneasy about all of it. To talk about what the […]

Episode 122: Can Using Gamification Boost Employee Engagement?

Behavioural science Guest: Adrian Camilleri Association Professor of Marketing University of Technology Sydney Business School Adrian Camilleri is an associate professor of marketing at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Business School. He uses experimental and survey research methods to understand, explain, and predict the cognitive processes underlying judgment and decision-making, and the application of […]

Episode 121: How Can Leaders Develop Mental Strength?

How can leaders develop the mental strength needed in today’s work environment? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by  Scott Mautz,  author of the book  The Mentally Strong Leader. Guest SCOTT MAUTZ, author of THE MENTALLY STRONG LEADER, is the founder and CEO of Profound Performance™, a keynote, training, and coaching company. […]

Episode 119: Will Pet Perks be the Next Hot Worker Benefit?

Is it time to include pet perks in more compensation packages? With talent acquisition a hot topic, everything is on the table now and perhaps that should include bringing your dog to the office, or at least having some of his health expenses covered by your benefits package. Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode […]

Episode 117: How Can Organizations Support Workers Who are Caregivers?

Workers have lives outside of the workplace, and in many cases that means being caregivers to family members who are elderly or disabled or ill. The strain of that can impact their work, and it can impact the organizations they work for as well. To talk about what organizations can do to support workers – […]

Episode 116: Should Every Company Have an AI Ethicist?

Artificial Intelligence is here to stay and as well as changing and eliminating jobs it is creating new roles. On this episode, Linda Nazareth is joined by Cliff Jurkiewicz, Vice President of Global Strategy at Phenom to talk about why it is time for companies to hire for the role of ‘AI Ethicist’ and what […]

Episode 115: What are the Newest Trends Around Remote Work?

Remote work keeps evolving: organizations have been changing the rules around it, workers have been shifting their demands on employers, and the pieces keep shifting. To talk about the new trends in remote work, Linda Nazareth is  joined on this episode by Jelena Djordjevic, Vice President of People at Thumbtack. Thumbtack is a technology company that […]

Episode 113: Has Flexible Work Gone Out of Fashion?

Flexible work goes in and out of fashion, with always loving it and organizations being somewhat more skeptical. To talk about the state of flexible work, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Cali Williams Yost, CEO and Founder of Flex+Strategy Group. They talk about Cali’s latest research on attitudes about flexible work and why […]