Episode 128: Will Returning to the Office Solve the Loneliness Epidemic?

Will ordering workers to return to the office make them less lonely? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Jim Frawley, the CEO and founder of executive development firm Bellwether. Jim is a consultant and coach who has studied and written about the the way that in-person work might be […]

Episode 124: What are the New Challenges for HR Leaders?

It is a complicated time in the work world right now as organizations grapple with policies around the return to the office or remote or hybrid work. As well, the unemployment rate is rising, managers are dealing with stress around the economy and workers are uneasy about all of it. To talk about what the […]

Episode 120: Is it Time to Talk about Work Life Bloom?

Is Work Life balance a myth? On this episode, Linda Nazareth is joined by Dan Pontefract, author of the book Work Life Bloom. Dan believes that we need to move to  ‘work life bloom’ rather than ‘work life balance’ and he has some ideas about  what organizations should be doing to make that a reality. […]

Episode 114: How Do You Find Motivation at Work?

Everyone wants to be more effective and motivated at work, but doing that can be harder than it looks. To talk about how to revitalize your relationship with work, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Art Markman, Professor at the University of Texas at Austin and the author of the book Bring Your […]

Ignoring ‘Quiet Quitting’ Might be a Mistake

In my latest column for the Globe and Mail I look at the phenomenon of ‘Quiet Quitting’. As much as it is easy to write off the Gen Z workers going this route as slackers, the reality is that they are sending a message that probably should not be ignored. Read more here  

Episode 74: Can We Turn the Great Resignation into the Great Retention?

Is there a way to turn the Great Resignation into the Great Retention? For the past year we have heard a lot about the  Great Resignation, the rush of people who are quitting jobs because they are not happy where they are, often for reasons that have nothing to do with compensation. That is leading […]

Episode 59: Will the Great Resignation Lead to a Change in Workplace Culture?

All of a sudden  the term ‘The Great Resignation’ is everywhere as worker leave their jobs in droves  in the wake of the pandemic. The U.S. has seen this hit record numbers, and we have seen it in Canada and in other countries as well. There are  lots of reasons for why people are quitting, […]

Episode 55: How Can Organizations Support Workers’ Mental Health?

  At one time mental health may have been a subject that organizations wanted to avoid discussing, but those days are rapidly disappearing .  With the pandemic still ongoing, this is a very difficult time for many and as it is taking a toll on mental well-being.  In turn, organizations are starting to realize that […]

Episode 54: What Can We Learn from Companies Who Have Dealt Well with Pandemic Work Issues?

It is  the fourth quarter of 2021 and we are still in a state of flux in the work world.. Companies are struggling with whether to bring everyone back to the office, there are labour shortages all over, and just what normal looks like in terms of work is not really clear. But some organizations […]

Work from Home is Great – but Maybe Not for Generation Z

Working virtually is awesome for a lot of people, although it might be slightly less awesome for younger workers. If your home office is actually a laptop propped up on your bed, and if you haven’t got anyone to socialize with beyond your cat -well, you might want a workplace that offers you the chance […]