Episode 97: How Can Companies Improve Communications?

Getting worker communication right is difficult, but it is at the crux of running an effective organization and the technology that is supposed to help sometimes seems to make things worse. To talk about effective ways to use technology to improve communication, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Nicole Alvino, Founder and CEO  at workforce communications platform Firstup.


Nicole Alvino is the Chief Executive Officer and Founder at Firstup, the world’s first intelligent communication platform – the SaaS platform used by 40 percent of Fortune 100 companies to connect with their people, design and deliver personalized communications, and gain engagement insights throughout the employee journey. She is proud that companies like Amazon, Tesco, Ford, and Hilton use Firstup every day to connect and meaningfully engage with their people and help leaders better understand their workforce. Prior to co-founding SocialChorus (now Firstup), she was the Founder and CEO of Dermalounge and a pioneer in using new technologies to engage employees.

