Episode 94: How Do You Help Workers Deal with Trauma?

Workers are dealing with all kinds of traumas at present, both in their personal and in their professional lives. To talk about that, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by by Katharine Manning, author of The Empathetic Workplace: Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm and Competent Response to Trauma on the Job.  They talk about  what can be done to help workers, and more importantly, why it needs to be done, the reality being that if you do not help people deal with trauma you pay the price in terms of productivity and absenteeism and unhappy workers.


Katharine Manning is the President of Blackbird DC, which provides training and consultation on empathy at work. She is the author of The Empathetic Workplace: Five Steps to a Compassionate, Calm, and Confident Response to Trauma on the Job, and teaches at American University and in the Master’s in Trauma-Informed Leadership Program at Dominican University. Her work has been featured in the Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, Thrive Global, and CEOWorld. She has worked on issues of trauma and victimization for more than 25 years, including 15 years at the Justice Department, where she was a Senior Attorney Advisor consulting on victim issues in cases like the Boston Marathon bombing and the Pulse Nightclub shooting.
