Episode 40: How Can You Get Control of Your Time?

Whatever else is going on in the economy or the world, one thing that never seems to change is our battle to have enough time to do everything we feel we need to get done in our work (and in our personal) life.   We all have these lofty goals of what we are going to accomplish, but at the end of the day we often find that we are disappointed in what we had intended to do? So how do you get control of your time and how do we set realistic goals as to what we are going to do and how we can accomplish them? Our guest  today is Sabina Nawaz and she is a global CEO coach as well as and a keynote speaker and a writer.  She counsels those in the C-Suite on how to let go of ‘magical thinking’ and figure out how to get control of their time and she shares her insights and tips with us.


Sabina Nawaz is a global CEO coach, leadership keynote speaker, and writer working in over 26 countries. She advises C-level executives in Fortune 500 corporations, government agencies, non-profits and academic institutions. Sabina started her career in software development at Microsoft and then led the company’s executive development and succession planning efforts for over 11,000 managers and 700 executives.  In addition, Sabina has spoken at hundreds of seminars, events, and
conferences including TEDx. Currently, she sits on the board of Power and Systems, a leadership development institute. Sabina believes the greatest privilege of working with executives is bearing witness to their acts of courage. Look for more of her stories, insights, and advice on thriving as a
leader on Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and Inc.
Sabina’s education includes a B.A. in Computer Science with a minor in Electronics from Smith College, an M.S. in Computer Systems Engineering from the University of Massachusetts, and several certifications and advanced training in leadership development


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