Episode 124: What are the New Challenges for HR Leaders?

It is a complicated time in the work world right now as organizations grapple with policies around the return to the office or remote or hybrid work. As well, the unemployment rate is rising, managers are dealing with stress around…

Episode 100: How Have Women’s Work Lives Evolved Since the Pandemic Started?

On this 100th episode of the podcast, Linda Nazareth is joined by Carolyn Byer, Human Resources Lead at Microsoft Canada who was one of the guests early in the pandemic lockdowns. More than two years later, Linda and Carolyn reflect…

Episode 89: What Will the Next Phase of Hybrid Work Look Like?

Hybrid work has become the norm in many organizations but it is an uneasy norm, with many details to be worked out. From how many days workers should be at the office to how managers can best connect with workers,…

Episode 83: What is the Future of Physical Offices?

The workplace is in a state of flux, and that includes the physical workplace.  It used to be the place we went to because that is where we could work – that was where the computers were and we had…

Episode 78: Are Hybrid Workers Lonelier Than We Realize?

As we move to new models of work we have sometimes wondered whether remote workers are too isolated but are hybrid workers also isolated – and maybe even lonely? And if that is true, as some evidence suggests, what should…

Episode 66: Is Hybrid Work the New Normal?

Is hybrid work the best of both worlds or the worst of it? Even before the pandemic  organizations struggled to find  the right mix of having workers in the office or elsewhere and two years into it many are still…

Episode 62: How Do You Create an Effective Hybrid Culture?

How do you not just accommodate hybrid work but actually create an effective hybrid culture? To talk about the effective strategies for doing that, we are joined on this episode by Carolyn Byer, HR Lead for Microsoft Canada who shares…

Episode 61: How Do Virtual Meetings Change Power Dynamics?

Virtual meetings bring people together but as they do they also shift power dynamics as compared to live meetings. Who will be the winners and losers in this virtual world? As we virtually bring people into our homes, how are…

Episode 58: How Do You Ensure Worker Equity Within a Hybrid Environment?

If some of your workforce is ‘visible’ in an office and some are ‘invisible’ at home,  how can you ensure that everyone is treated fairly? There are many considerations for managers, particularly since hybrid work may disproportionately affect some groups…