Episode 128: Will Returning to the Office Solve the Loneliness Epidemic?

Will ordering workers to return to the office make them less lonely? To talk about that Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Jim Frawley, the CEO and founder of executive development firm Bellwether. Jim is a consultant and coach who has studied and written about the the way that in-person work might be […]

Episode 127: Should Employees be Company Owners?

If everything is on the table when it comes to the future of work, should we be talking about having workers own the company – or at least own a bit of it? To talk about that, Linda Nazareth is joined on this episode by Elspeth Murray,   Director of the Centre for Innovation and Social […]

Episode 126: How Do We Develop Workers with Green Skills?

The climate transition has huge implications for the future of work. We know that we need to develop ‘green skills’, although there is not complete agreement about how to define what those are. The  crux of it, however,  is that we are arguably moving into a new, clean energy economy or a green economy and […]

Episode 125: What Skills Will Organizations Need to Deal with Climate Change?

The issue of climate and climate change is a huge one today. We know that something is going on with our planet, it is getting warmer and we are having more weather events and that is impacting the economy and definitely it is impacting work. And the impacts are only going to get larger. To […]

Episode 124: What are the New Challenges for HR Leaders?

It is a complicated time in the work world right now as organizations grapple with policies around the return to the office or remote or hybrid work. As well, the unemployment rate is rising, managers are dealing with stress around the economy and workers are uneasy about all of it. To talk about what the […]

Talking about the Future in Quebec City

Awesome to be in Quebec City to present to the IIA Canada’s Audit Leader Event on the economic and demographic forces that will challenge leaders in the years ahead. hashtag#futureofwork hashtag#growthmindset hashtag#economy hashtag#keynotespeaker hashtag#technology hashtag#climate

Episode 123: Will Knowledge Workers Lose Their Jobs to AI?

At one point we thought technology threatened jobs in fast food or retail but now we know that is likely to be only the tip of the iceberg.  AI will mean changes for all workers and  knowledge workers – the group that was once thought to be the most protected – may be at the […]