Speaking About the Issues Changing Work and the Workplace

Had a great morning speaking to the Purposeful Intent conference in Toronto about the future of work. So much to discuss given that we really are at a pivotal moment in economic history.

Talking About the Trends and the Need for Resilience

Was awesome to speak to the Ontario Municipal Financial Officers in lovely Blue Mountain, Ontario. Yes, the discussion was about the economy but it was also about resilience and why it is more important than ever to develop it both…

Virtual Speaking is Kind of Cool

  Yes I miss in-person presentations, a lot actually, but cool that we can still keep the conversations going. Here I am on someone’s laptop (you can see his coffee mug to the right) as I speak to the Ontario…

Episode 8: Does Videoconferencing Mean We All Need to Be Performers Now?

We are all used to interacting with one another in person, at the office, at meetings, just casually.  Particularly when it is a business context, we tend to think about how we should present ourselves and we know all about…

Talking About Our Disrupted Future

Was so great to speak to Manitoba Tech’s Disrupted Future conference last week..I spoke about the future of work, which is scary and challenging but something we need to come to terms with now. There is lots to be optimistic…