Episode 93: How is Work Being Redefined?

A different episode this week as Work and the Future Host Linda Nazareth is interviewed about her just-released book Working it Out: Getting Ready for the Redesigned World of Work.  Special guest Bridgett Anderson, President and CEO of the Greater…

Speaking About the Issues Changing Work and the Workplace

Had a great morning speaking to the Purposeful Intent conference in Toronto about the future of work. So much to discuss given that we really are at a pivotal moment in economic history.

Episode 83: What is the Future of Physical Offices?

The workplace is in a state of flux, and that includes the physical workplace.  It used to be the place we went to because that is where we could work – that was where the computers were and we had…

Episode 61: How Do Virtual Meetings Change Power Dynamics?

Virtual meetings bring people together but as they do they also shift power dynamics as compared to live meetings. Who will be the winners and losers in this virtual world? As we virtually bring people into our homes, how are…

Episode 53: What Makes an Effective Digital Workplace?

Even in a post-pandemic world, it seems unlikely that we will ever go back to an old-style workplace where everyone comes into the office on a daily basis. Work from home arrangements and hybrid workplaces will be the norm, which…

Episode 50: How Should We Re-Think Design for the Post-Pandemic Work World?

Sooner or later we will be going back to offices and work space, but we will be doing it with a different mindset. Partly that is around how safety how do we set things up so we don’t spread the…

Episode 42: What Can Australia Teach Us About Post-Pandemic Work Life?

Australia is held up as an example to those of us in North America and elsewhere in the world. They did not completely escape the pandemic, but they came pretty close and for the most part, they are back at…