Episode 108: Are Workers Trading Pay for Purpose?

Workers want more than money when they accept a job and typical looking for things like a manageable commute and a good team to work with as well. Increasingly, they are also interested in working for mission-oriented companies, wanting to…

Episode 105: How Can Organizations Walk the Talk on Diversity in the Workplace?

Organizations talk about the need to have diverse organizations and they may be sincere about that, but actually making that happen can be difficult to do. Designing the right programs is not easy and getting people on board can be…

Episode 100: How Have Women’s Work Lives Evolved Since the Pandemic Started?

On this 100th episode of the podcast, Linda Nazareth is joined by Carolyn Byer, Human Resources Lead at Microsoft Canada who was one of the guests early in the pandemic lockdowns. More than two years later, Linda and Carolyn reflect…