Who Should be Providing Education for the Future of Work?

Schools, colleges, universities – are they the right providers to educate workers for the future of work? Or are their models the wrong ones for the education we will need in future? I tackled some of these issues in my…

Episode 43: Are Online Courses the Future of Education?

As we move towards the future of work, it is becoming increasingly clear that that  that might mean re-thinking education models. We tend to think of education as being a few years after high school then maybe the odd course…

Episode 34: How Can We Re-skill to Keep Up with Technology?

Our major economic problem right now is the pandemic and its offshoots, but that does not mean the economic issues we had before the pandemic have gone away. One of those issues is technology, or rather the speed of technological…

Episode 30: Coming Back Stronger Part III: How Do We Get Ready for Continuous Education and Reskilling?

This is Episode 3 of  aspecial series on Coming back Stronger sponsored by Microsoft. In our first two episodes we talked about how companies can come back stronger, and how workers can build the resilience to cope with their new…