Talking about the Future in Quebec City

Awesome to be in Quebec City to present to the IIA Canada’s Audit Leader Event on the economic and demographic forces that will challenge leaders in the years ahead. hashtag#futureofwork hashtag#growthmindset hashtag#economy hashtag#keynotespeaker hashtag#technology hashtag#climate

Episode 65: How Will Longer Life Spans Change Work Lives?

How will work have to change to accommodate longer life spans? A child born today has a 50 per cent chance of living to one hundred, but even now we know the workforce is aging. In turn,  that means we…

How Will Millennials Spend Next?

Happy to be quoted in this article in Bloomberg Opinion on inflation and how that is impacting generational spending choices.

Episode 25: How Can We Connect the Different Generations at Work?

Spurred by social media, intergenerational warfare seems to be on the upswing, including in the workplace. And, given the conflict and the idea that generations are working against each other we can lose sight of the fact that we could…

Demographics Never Gets Old (As a Speaking Topic Anyway)

Whenever I speak before an audience I inevitably bring up the subject of demographics, because to me it is the aging-elephant in the room. Whether I am engaged to talk about the economic outlook or about interest rates or about…